
Archivel Farma Archivel Farma S.L.

Mr. Amat and Dr. Cardona are members of Board of Directors of Archivel Farma, a biopharmaceutical company specialized in the development of new drugs. ARCHIVEL FARMA focuses on TB, more specifically, on the treatment of the latent TB infection (LTBI).

VCN Biosciences VCN Biosciences S.L.

Bioemprèn S.L. is a Strategic Advisor of VCN Biosciences S.L., spin-off from Virotherapy group at l’ICO / IDIBELL with the aim of developing new agents for the treatment of cancer using the oncolytic adenovirus technologic platform.

Phyture Biotech Phyture Biotech S.L.

Bioemprèn S.L. is a Strategic Advisor of Phyture Biotech S.L., spin-off from the Faculty of Pharmacy UB specialized in vegetable material growth in cell culture

Specipig SPECIPIG S.L.

Bioemprèn S.L. is a partner and founder of Specipig S.L. This is a pioneering company specialised in breeding pigs in SPF conditions.
Specipig S.L. is focused in production specific pathogen free pigs for an experimental use.


Bioemprèn S.L. is endorsing the Servipig project. The aim is to set up a Biomedical Research Centre. In this center the pigs will be used as a experimental model.